Carel van Apeldoom
Carel is CEO and co-founder of / Ink limited, a leading web-based Instagram photo sharing network. Carel holds a MSc degree of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and specialized in corporate finance. He has worked in investment banking prior to becoming an entrepreneur and has founded three successful companies over the last 15 years. His first internet (ad)venture dates back to 1996.
Between December 2012 and May 2016, Carel has been active as a Director of the Guangzhou chapter for Startup Grind, a global tech entrepreneur network from Palo Alto helping to inspire, educate and connect people interested in the tech startup eco system, and also played an active role in the launch of Startup Grind in China.
Carel has the Dutch nationality, and is living in Shanghai with his wife and daughter, and is in China since 2005.